Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I love my footsie jammies...There the best to snuggle in!!

Listen to all the sounds I like to make now! You can't see me very well, 'cause it's a little dark. But I'm super funny to listen to!

Monday, September 20, 2010

More of ME!!

I've discovered my hands and getting pretty good at grabbing my toy bird hanging from my car seat! It makes me giggle and I love telling mom and dad about it every time I get in the car!

Dad loves giving me kisses with his scruffy face that tickles so bad!!

I just love hanging with my cousin Kori too... she's one of my favorites!
Mommy says I have the most beautiful blue eyes she's ever seen! Especially in the sunshine!
There goes Dad giving me scruffy kisses again!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I LOVE.....

...talking, and laughing!

...snuggling with my Daddy, & sleeping like a frog!

...showing off my triple H's - "Home-run Hitting Hams"

...my camo sweats from Uncle Schuster

...my pimp new outfit from G'ma Hatch

...deep thoughts in Levi land

...hanging at the lake in my shades and hat (I get all the ladies)

...rockin' the sunglasses like Dad

...and most of all, I LOVE snuggling at home with my Mommy and Daddy!