Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a BOY!!

Had the most incredible experience at the doc's office today!! Our little man was ready to show off his stuff the second that ultrasound wand hit my belly! First shot was spread eagle, I'm a boy and ready to show it! Even the Doc said "whoa! He's definitely 100% boy, and I very rarely tell people that", and started chuckling. It was so neat seeing the little hands, feet, nose and heart beating... and the package too of course! I'm not sure I've ever seen Greg smile that big in my life [except for maybe when we got married :-)]. The 4-D ultrasound did get put off until next appointment which is February 3rd at 11am.
I'm so excited to get started on all the planning and nursery stuff now... and let's not forget getting serious about a name for our little guy!! I'll have plenty of thinking time this week laying on those beautiful sandy beaches. What a wonderful week it's going to be...We're having a baby boy, and we're headed to Mexico to see my lil' bro get married, woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful that Rambo will not be permanent ;) Although very happy that you will be dreaming of boy names, the grandma instinct in me just knew. Nursery, clothes, diapers, ect so much to do!! You think he had a big grin today just wait until the little Geary is in in his arms for the first time (ok I'm crying now)
    Love to all
