Thursday, February 11, 2010

25 weeks, 4 days & New Flooring!

Me and the dogs supervising on the couch as the boys install the floor.
Trying to stay warm, 'cause the door is wide open! Brrrr!

Greg and Bob (my mom's boyfriend) scraping up nails and stuff from the old carpet.

Shorts and T-shirt with snow on the ground...nice work attire know you're in South Dakota when...

our flooring stacked up ready to be installed. Coal just checking things out.

Nursery room ready for flooring.
Can't wait to have a little person to put those adorable clothes on!
Sage just posing for all the pictures.

This was at 10:00 pm last night, when Doug & Greg stopped installing flooring for the night. Way past the pregnant lady's bedtime... Sage and I were pooped and ready for bed. But how fantastic is our floor going to look when it's all said and done! Tonight they'll finish the floor in the nursery room and maybe get a head start on the main living room.


  1. Love the new floors and so happy for you guys! Cant wait to see a pic of the new little one...You are due in May also, right?

  2. 25 weeks and 5 days........100 to go, so exciting. BTW, is that a Harley Davidson Biker Dude outfit I see hanging in Baby's room already? Your house will feel like a brand new house when they are finished I am so happy for you guys. Great choice too, love the wood you chose. Happy Friday, love you ALL.
